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Advocates' Blog


March 4 is National Assistive Technology Awareness Day! Assistive Technology (AT) is the name for anything that helps a person live more independently, like a wheelchair, door openers, ramps, a prosthetic limb or a tool that helps people with speech or language impairments communicate. Through our Protection & Advocacy AT grant, we can help people who have trouble with a piece of equipment that is a "lemon" - it is defective or cannot be fixed after a multiple repair attempts. Read more in this blog post by Advocacy Specialist Molly Klocksin.

Handicap parking spaces are not metered, and this would extend that to non-handicapped metered spots for vehicles with valid handicap placards in their windshields. Those vehicles would have to comply with the time limitations on the spaces.

What if the new boss is NOT the same as the old boss? Will your accommodations stay in place? Get tips on employment accommodations from Advocacy Specialist Molly Klocksin in our newest blog post to celebrate National Disability Employment Awareness Month.

On November 7, Douglas County Health Department in Omaha, NE, is hosting their second annual tabletop exercise specifically for individuals with access and functional needs and local organizations that serve them. Tabletop exercises are designed to help prepare communities to respond more effectively in the case of disaster or emergency. Read more about it in this blog post by guest blogger Caleb Kuddes.

Please register for Civil Rights of People with Disabilities and Olmstead v. L.C. Join Dianne DeLair, Legal Services Director, at one of these online opportunities to learn more and ask your questions.

Creativity is one tool to allow the world to see and know people with disabilities. "Creativity As Presence" is a recent blog piece by artist Paulissa Kipp, member of our Mental Illness Advisory Council, and Board of Directors. She is an advocate and a person with lived experience.

The Justice Department announced August 15, 2024, that it filed a complaint and proposed consent decree to resolve allegations that Lincoln Public Schools (LPS), in Lincoln, Nebraska, violated the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by denying some deaf and hard of hearing students an equal opportunity to attend their neighborhood schools or participate in the high school choice program.

In advance of the 34th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Disability Rights Nebraska announced the conclusion of a year-long investigation into Nebraska’s guardianship system. The investigation revealed over 10,000 Nebraskans under guardianship, many in deplorable conditions due to uncaring, profit-driven guardians. Legal Services Director Dianne DeLair emphasized that having a disability doesn't necessitate a guardian. CEO Tania Diaz highlighted the misuse of full guardianships and fiscal abuses by guardians, calling for reforms modeled after successful programs in other states. The full report, "Guarding from the Guardians," is available on our website. The organization advocates for legislative changes, better education for judges and guardians, and increased use of supported decision-making.

Disability Rights Nebraska, through a grant from the Nebraska Developmental Disabilities Council, has developed a program to raise awareness of Supported Decision Making as a means to increase self-determination of people with disabilities, reduce overbroad or undue guardianships, and examine public policy options for Supported Decision Making in Nebraska.

Ann Magill, a writer with cerebral palsy, was in grad school when the ADA became law in July 1990. Known for her work on disability and social equality, she often highlighted injustices. In 2010, she attended a disappointing event for the ADA's 20th anniversary, feeling it lacked the necessary attention for raising awareness and acceptance of people with disabilities. This experience inspired her to create a disability pride flag, a project she was particularly driven to complete after a horrific attack on a disabled-serving facility in Japan in 2016.

We invite you to comment on the priorities and activities of Disability Rights Nebraska. Your feedback is valuable to us.

The Justice Department announced today, May 14, 2024, that it has concluded an investigation into whether the State of Nebraska subjects' adults with mental illness to unnecessary institutionalization in assisted living facilities and day program facilities, in violation of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has been investigating complaints received against the State of Nebraska. The complaints say that Nebraskans with serious mental illness struggle to access the services they need to live and work in the community. The DOJ team will be in Omaha, Lincoln, Kearney, and Scottsbluff next week holding a series of town hall meetings to hear from you and others about your experiences that may be relevant. May 14-15, 2024.

Many states – including Nebraska – have what is called an Olmstead Plan. The plans were developed after the Supreme Court’s Olmstead decision to work toward making sure individuals with disabilities can receive support and services in their community rather than institutions, depending on that person’s preferences and needs.

This survey is a way to gather feedback on the areas included in Nebraska’s Olmstead Plan from individuals who have a disability or are a family member/caregiver to someone with a disability. Your responses will be anonymous, meaning we will not be able to identify who you are.

All the feedback collected will be used to determine what should be prioritized or included in Nebraska’s Olmstead Plan. If you have any questions, would like more information, or would prefer to complete the survey on paper, please contact

Strictly Business - Starting this year all Nebraska residents will need to bring a photo ID with them to the polls. The good news is that a lot of different types of ID will be accepted. For people who are unable to afford the fee for a state ID card, the legislature has made state ID cards free, through your local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), for voting purposes to make sure people can still exercise their right to vote.

This year will be the first time Nebraska has required photo identification to vote. We want to make sure you know how to prepare so you can cast your vote. We just made a video to help you prepare. Share it with your family and friends to make sure everyone knows what to do on Election Day.

Questions about Nebraska’s Voter ID Law? You’ll find answers here to some of the questions we hear most often.

¿Preguntas sobre la Ley de Identificación de Votantes de Nebraska?

A bill that would direct millions in federal ARPA funds toward tackling the state’s affordable housing shortage was considered by the Appropriations Committee Feb. 20.

We’re happy to have had a part in bringing this to light. Students with disabilities should be able to receive needed services and supports in their neighborhood schools.

The Justice Department announced February 14, 2024, that Lincoln Public Schools (LPS) in Lincoln, Nebraska, violated the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by denying some deaf and hard of hearing students an equal opportunity to attend their neighborhood schools.

The next session of the Nebraska legislature is fast approaching!  The Second Session of the 108th Nebraska Legislature is scheduled to start on January 3rd, 2024 and end on April 18th, 2024.

We stopped to check out the Gering Civic Plaza, the beautiful results of work started up and organized by the Tri-City Active Living Advisory Committee.

For families of children with disabilities, “a new school year” may mean waiting for another unscheduled call from school asking them to come pick up their child part way through the day. The more often it happens, the more a child misses out. Staff Attorney Madison Wurtele shares the protections students and families have from this type of school discipline in our next blog post.

New Nebraska law gives you the right to more personalized care in a mental health crisis—read more...

While the First Session of the 108th Legislature is complete, there’s still a lot of activity, especially around Interim Studies. Public Policy Director Brad Meurrens provides a short summary of what happened with a few of the bills on our priority list and what happens next.

Are you a student with a disability or do you have a child with a disability who is considering a summer job? Children or young people with disabilities who receive supplemental security income (SSI) are sometimes warned away from seeking a summer job. In the second installment of this two-part blog series by Disability Rights Attorney Michael Elsken, we look at how young people with developmental disabilities can not only take that job, but save for college / the big trip / the car without endangering Social Security benefits. To learn more, check out our blog.

Children or young people with disabilities who receive supplemental security income (SSI) are sometimes warned away from seeking a summer job. This two-part blog series by Disability Rights Attorney Michael Elsken explains how young people can reap the rewards of the summer job without endangering Social Security benefits.

Jenny was matched with Disability Rights Nebraska because of her interest in advocacy and worked with Public Policy Director Brad Meurrens at our office. She speaks of her experience testifying on LB 424.

“Education can really help breakdown barriers because it shows people that disability is nothing to be afraid of,” said Sharon Ohmberger, Community Engagement Director at Disability Rights Nebraska. “That there’s no harm in welcoming people and making some accommodations for people so they can participate like everyone else.”

You can reach Disability Rights Nebraska at 800-422-6691 or 402-413-2016!

Our new address is 2930 Ridge Line Road, Suite 205, Lincoln, NE 68516.

November 29, 2022, marked the 47th anniversary of the passage of Public Law 94-142, initially called the Education of All Handicapped Children Act (EHA) and later renamed the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Signed into law by President Gerald R. Ford on November 29, 1975, this Act ensured that children with disabilities would no longer be routinely excluded from accessing the public schools in their communities.

We have been quietly making our way across the state to doublecheck accessibility ahead of the November General Election. Our work has included: surveys of every single county election website to make sure it was usable for people who are blind or have low vision, in-person tours of the 30 largest counties’ election offices to identify any physical barriers for people who use wheelchairs, and ongoing collaboration with the Nebraska Secretary of State’s office to educate local voting officials.

Disability Rights Nebraska is fortunate to have a long history of dedicated public policy advocacy as a true compliment to our legal advocacy. Better late than never, below are some of our public policy success stories from the last legislative session and upcoming activity to watch out for.

Social Media is such a staple in our everyday lives. It can help create and foster friendships, open up new worlds of learning, and provide new opportunities for career connections. But how accessible are these platforms to everyone, especially to those with disabilities?

As Disability Rights Nebraska prepares to usher in a change in leadership, Sharon Ohmberger sat down with Eric Evans to talk with him about the top five points of advocacy he’d like people to remember during this transition and beyond. All of them are rooted in Eric’s deep passion for and commitment to disability rights and human rights. Since he has been an advocate here in Nebraska for almost 50 years, he has wisdom we can all use.

As of July 5, 2022, Tania Diaz will become Chief Executive Officer for Disability Rights Nebraska.  She began her career as a law clerk on work-study through the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.  After earning her law degree, she joined the organization as a staff attorney, a position that evolved into her role as Legal Services Director.  These roles have provided her with extensive knowledge and experience working with state and federal partners and stakeholders to protect and advocate for the legal and human rights of people with disabilities.

Tania believes it is imperative that the organization continue its engagement with values-based programs and principles; the philosophy provides the foundation for Disability Rights Nebraska as a progressive organization on the leading edge of disability rights. She is deeply committed to ensuring that the programs and services we provide uphold and complement the agency’s mission, vision, and purpose.

Hope for the Best, Plan for the Worst: How Disability Rights Nebraska is working to ensure Nebraskans with Disabilities Are Protected in the Next Emergency, a blog post by Staff Attorney Amy Miller

At Disability Rights Nebraska, we believe a vote is one of the most powerful self-advocacy tools for individuals with disabilities. We also know that people with disabilities are often deterred -- or even prevented -- from voting for several different reasons. Our agency wants to make sure all Americans, especially those with disabilities, are fully informed about their voting rights and have the resources necessary to make their voice heard in every election.


The Inclusive Education Lay Advocacy Project is developing a network of Nebraskans across the state who can help families of students with disabilities advocate for educational opportunities and rely on other advocates for help when necessary. In this article, Attorney Madison Wurtele gleans perspectives from lay advocate, Angie Willey, and project coordinator, Pat Cottingham, to illustrate the project's goals and intended outcomes.

Seventeen years ago, Disability Rights Nebraska helped Sonya Kay Wing reinstate her disability status so she could continue to receive Social Security payments. In this blog piece, Sonya reflects on the case and discusses how working with our staff also helped her develop the skills necessary to advocate for herself and others.

November is Assistive Technology Awareness Month. In this blog post, Staff Attorney Michael Elsken recognizes and celebrates the far reaching definition of Assistive Technology and what it means to people with disabilities.

On October 1st, Nebraska DHHS launched changes to the Medicaid Insurance for Workers with Disabilities (MIWD) program. In this blog post, disability advocate and former Board member, Michael Warner, discusses the positive implications of these changes from the perspective of an individual with a disability.

Victoria Freeman, Lincoln High's award-winning Debate Coach, is the focus of our most recent blog article, written by Community Engagement Director, Sharon Ohmberger. Freeman, an individual with a disability, has earned local and national recognition for her commitment to securing equitable and inclusive environments for student debaters.

Disability Rights Nebraska, the designated federal protection and advocacy system for Nebraska, is seeking proposals to conduct accessibility assessments of county election commission websites, ballot drop boxes, office locations and DMV office locations.

Public Policy Director Brad Meurrens explains Nebraska's Medicaid for Workers with Disabilities Program and calls attention to the federal law that allows people with disabilities to be paid less than minimum wage.

Staff Attorney, Madison Wurtele, answers some of the most commonly asked questions about emotional support animals and student housing.

During Mental Health Awareness Month, Staff Attorney Amy Miller writes a timely blog post centered around this year's theme: You Are Not Alone. The piece covers COVID-19 and it's impact on mental health, as well as Disability Rights Nebraska's continual advocacy for people with mental illnesses.

While a "digital divide" within educational settings was not created by COVID-19, the pandemic has clearly highlighted its existence. In a brief exploration of the "digital divide," Staff Attorney Michael Elsken looks at its impacts, as well as potential options for addressing the divide. He concludes that, because there is no one-size-fits-all approach to "fixing" the "digital divide," continual open discourse between families and schools is key when working toward truly accessible education.

Staff attorney Madison Wurtele connected with Kim Davis, an advocacy specialist for the Nebraska Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (NCDHH), to discuss barriers to communication and accessibility.