AgrAbility National Training Workshop
Save the date!!!
We are planning the 2019 AgrAbility National Training Workshop that will be taking place in Lincoln, NE March 25th -28th. Join us in Lincoln for the premier training event addressing issues of disability in agriculture. Professionals and consumers from all over the country will participate in four days of plenary sessions, breakouts, tours, networking, and special events. This year’s conference headquarters is the Embassy Suites Downtown Lincoln
AgrAbility is a program sponsored by the US Department of Agriculture that provides assistance to farmers, ranchers and other agricultural workers, and farm family members impacted by disability, illness or chronic conditions. The program is funded through a competitive grant process for one National Project and State/ Regional Projects (currently serving 20 states). Each project involves a collaborative partnership between land grant universities and various non-profit disability services organizations.
Conference Highlights
• Pre-Conference training sessions including New Staff Training and Reducing the Risk of Secondary Injury.
• Over 50 educational sessions throughout Tuesday and Wednesday, providing staff development opportunities for AgrAbility Staff, VR, DVR, OT and PT professionals.
• Wednesday evening banquet including a keynote address by Carey Portell ( and our fund-raising auction!
• Exhibitors displaying a variety of accessible technology, tools, mobility devices and more!
• Agricultural Tours on Thursday