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Freedom From Harm

Freedom From Harm

Focus Area 1: Freedom From Harm

Image of the Future:  People with disabilities have legal and human rights that protect their health, safety, personal integrity, and self-determination. Disability Rights Nebraska will protect and advocate for vulnerable people with disabilities, beginning with those living in congregated, isolated, and segregated settings, to ensure their rights are not violated and they are free from abuse, neglect, exploitation, and untimely death.

Goal 1A: Identify, monitor, and advocate for change in places where people with disabilities learn, live, and work.

Objective 1A.1: Maintain a regular presence at the Beatrice State Developmental Center (BSDC) on a monthly basis, including monthly reviews of facility incident reports.

Objective 1A.2: Maintain a regular presence at the Lincoln Regional Center (LRC) at least twice a month.

Objective 1A.3: Monitor 35 settings where people with disabilities are segregated, isolated, and congregated. 

Objective 1A.4: Implement the Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of the Representative Payee Program.


Goal 1B: Investigate and respond to allegations of abuse, neglect and exploitation using a range of approaches to ensure that vulnerable people with disabilities are free from harm.

Objective 1B.1: Investigate and respond to at least 35 allegations of abuse, neglect, or exploitation through systemic advocacy, individual advocacy, limited advocacy, and self-advocacy assistance.

Objective 1B.2: Engage in two activities to secure changes in public policy which strengthen protections for people with disabilities to be free from harm.

Objective 1B.3: Investigate and respond to systemic inappropriate use of restraint and seclusion at the Lincoln Regional Center.

Objective 1B.4: Conduct five trainings and outreach activities to educate facilities and entities about the access authority of Disability Rights Nebraska.