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What We Do

Goals & Objectives



Disability Rights Nebraska uses a collaborative planning process in establishing a five year plan and developing annual objectives that includes input from staff, advisory councils, consumers, families, providers, policy makers and the general public. Each year we set new objectives for our work and invite comments from all interested persons on our activities. Our focus areas under the current strategic plan (2024 - 2028) are:


Focus Area 1: Freedom from Harm

People with disabilities have legal and human rights that protect their health, safety, personal integrity, and self-determination. Disability Rights Nebraska will protect and advocate for vulnerable people with disabilities, beginning with those living in congregated, isolated, and segregated settings, to ensure their rights are not violated and they are free from abuse, neglect, exploitation, and untimely death. Learn more.


Focus Area 2: Most Inclusive Settings

We recognize disability as a natural part of the human experience. People must be able to live the lives that they choose, and their lives must be free from abuse, discrimination, exploitation, harm, isolation, and neglect. Disability Rights Nebraska envisions a society where all people have the supports they need in order to experience self-determination by making their own real and meaningful choices - a society where all people are free to pursue opportunities in order to live culturally valued lives in fully integrated communities that are free from barriers, exploitation, and stigma. Learn more.


Focus Area 3: Engaging People with Disabilities in Advocacy

People who experience disabilities are the experts when it comes to their own lives. Disability Rights Nebraska advocates for all people with disabilities having access to services, skills, and supports needed to pursue their hopes, dreams, and things not yet imagined. Learn more.