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Here is a 1970s classroom setup with vintage chair-desk combos lined up in rows

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Seclusion & Restraint in Nebraska Schools

Tell Us Your Story


Disability Rights Nebraska has made legislative and academic efforts that build a strong framework for our position on the abusive use of restraint and seclusion.  Still, we sense that both policymakers and the public are interested in learning more. To paint a better picture of what seclusion and restraint look like in our state, we are providing you with a platform to share your stories. Firsthand experiences of restraint and seclusion in Nebraska schools will supplement the academic and legislative information we've gathered on this issue. More importantly, your personal accounts will humanize this issue to state policymakers and the public, allowing for Nebraska students to be more than simply numbers in a report.

If your child or a child you know has been affected by inappropriate seclusion and/or restraint in Nebraska, please complete the form below or email with your stories, pictures, or any other documentation of restraint/seclusion. With your help, we hope to educate policymakers and the public on this issue and, ultimately, promote change that allows students to feel safer in Nebraska schools. 

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By submitting this form, you grant Disability Rights Nebraska permission to contact you regarding the information you have provided.