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Supported Decision Making

Supported Decision Making

Disability Rights Nebraska is leading a multi-year initiative to raise awareness and education about Supported Decision Making among key stakeholders and the public. Supported Decision Making provides a way to increase an individual’s self-determination and their right to make choices in their life by either avoiding or limiting overbroad or undue guardianships. Just because someone’s capacity in one area of their life is compromised does not mean that they lose the ability to make all decisions. Now and then, everyone needs help getting and understanding information as well as thinking things through to make the best decisions. Supported Decision Making is simply that— offering support so that people whose decision-making capacity is questioned can still lead self-determined lives.

One of the outcomes of our educational initiative is to create and maintain a “resource clearinghouse” where we can share educational materials on Supported Decision Making and anyone can access them at their convenience.

Click on a category below for resources about Supported Decision Making.