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Events Celebrating the ADA

Solitary Confinement: The Cost to Mental Health

Tuesday, February 5, 2019
6:45 pm8:00 pm
Urban Abbey

[Pictured above is Doug Koebernick, Inspector General of the Nebraska Correctional System for the Nebraska Legislature, standing in front of the Nebraska State Penitentiary. Photo credit to Francis Gardler, Lincoln Journal Star.]

Omaha's "February Issue Cafes" series is brought to you by Omaha Together One Community (OTOC), Urban Abbey, and Institute for Public Leadership (IPL). The first discussion in the series features Doug Koebernick, the Inspector General of the Nebraska Correctional System for the Nebraska Legislature. Koebernick will discuss conditions in Nebraska's prison system, including the use of restrictive housing, otherwise known as solitary confinement. Research has substantiated the detrimental effects that solitary confinement can have on individuals and their mental health.

This discussion will take place at Urban Abbey at 1026 Jackson Street in Omaha's Old Market. Parking is available across the street for $2.